About Renegade Dreams

This is a blog about adventure—but maybe not the kind that first comes to mind. It’s about creating or finding adventure in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary. And it’s about recognizing how an ongoing sense of wonder can restore our souls, heal us within and connect us to each other.

It’s about travel—but that can mean journeying around the world or just around the block.

And it’s aimed at those in their Third Act of life–especially women. The Acts of life are roughly divided into three distinct eras:

          Act I – Birth-Age 30 – A time of growing, learning, and starting out in relationships and work; also a time of finding your direction and discovering your true voice. It’s a time of ripening.

          Act II – Age 30-60A time of maturing, fulfilling potential, achieving worldly goals and becoming accomplished in career, home, family, spirituality and as part of a community. It’s a time of coming into full bloom.

          Act III – Age 60+It’s a time of deepening, expanding the inner self and reaching out to the world to give back and share the wisdom only time can impart, and to relax and enjoy the fruits of life’s accomplishments. It’s a time of harvesting and savoring life’s full bounty.

Many Third Acters—frequently women—tend to become directionless and may be tempted to sit back and give up goals, desires and dreams. For those who feel fully satisfied doing that, please enjoy it to the fullest.

But many others sense a restlessness that causes them to want more. For those, the message is “it’s never to late for wonder and adventure.” May these blog posts help guide and inspire.

About Me

I’m a single, childless, woman in her Third Act who is a cancer survivor and a woman of faith. I have been a writer all my life and run a “solo-preneur” business as a radio personality, copywriter and scriptwriter, audio producer and marketing and media consultant. I grew up in New York City but now reside in upstate NY.

My desire to travel is inescapable; my sense of wonder is relentless; my need for connection is voracious and getting stronger every minute in the restricted mandates of the global pandemic.

Judith Gross